30 October 2010

Islam and the West. (From a comment in the Telegraph).

A very coherent argument about Islam taken from the comments section in the Daily Telegraph.
"And now to sort out a little
misunderstanding Tom.
At no place in my comments did I ever
mention radical Islamist
terrorism as a threat of such major
proportions to western society that it could
be the overridding factor leading to our
At no place in my comments did I suggest
that Islam could defeat or decisively injure
western society by the use of terror tactics
You have made exactly the same habitual
auto- cognitive failure
as the entire Left liberal ideological cast.
It is true that compared to car accidents
and other dangers, that Islamic terrorism
kills far less people.
Well, i've got news for you Tom.
If you put all the ways in which people can
lose their lives together over the course of a
few years---it puts the genocide of Stalin ,
Mao or Hitler in the shade.
In fact, dying of old age most probably kills
more people than Islamic terrorists could
even dream of. So there we are. Nothing
whatsoever to be remotley concerened
OK. let's make this very simple.
Islamic terrorism = Threat = Level Small to
Islamic terrorism + Islamic demographic
trends in Europe = Disaster.
The major threat is not Al Queda or Radical
The major threat is mainstream Wahabbist
traditional Islam and demographics.
Al Queda Islamism and the mainstream
Saudi Wahabbist Islamism that presides over
90% of western Islamic institutions have no
difference in the interpretation of Islamic
jurisprudence or Koranic text whatsoever.
To do so would be heresy.
The only thing that Wahhabist Islam and Al
Queda are in diagreement about are who is
going to rule the Caliphate, and the
methods that should be employed to defeat
the West.
What this means Tom, is very simple.
It means that just as during WW2, we were
never at war against
" Blitzkrieg " because one never goes to war
against a tactic--but we were at war against
an ideology " Nazism " .
In the Cold War we were not at war against
a tactic , but against an ideology "
Communism "
The left liberals have utterly failed to
comprehend that we are not at war against
" exploding bombs " but an ideology.
The left have utterly failed to understand ,
that which so many prominent Muslims
have repeatedly stated, and that is that ,
their exists no such thing as moderate or
extreme Islam...
..only ---ISLAM .
The Left, our guardians of western
civilzation are pertrified of demonizing " a
whole religion " unless it doesn't hit back
like Christainty.
And once the Left have noticed that many
Muslims have darker complexions , that's it,
they become paralysed and even give
support to it as a new revolutionary class
victim struggle against the white-western
imperialist oppressor".

" My enemies enemy is my friend "

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