Posted by Jingle on March 6, 2007 - 20:13
from the ABC set Short Stories
Being English?…I'm not sure I can answer
that, I wonder if anyone else can either. It
seems to be something different for each
and every person to whom you put the
question. It is, I confess, something I have
pondered for many, many years. The
answers always differ according to the era
to which it relates and the period in which
the question is asked.
Some years ago I decided to make a
determined effort to rationalise and if
possible understand more clearly the
feelings of being English that I have had
(and still have) since I was very young. To
begin with I took up the study of genealogy
and began tracing my family back as far as I
could. Was I an Englishman or composed of
many nationalities? If the latter which
nationalities? Well after about five years I
had traced the line of my male ancestors
back to 1537. All were the progeny of
English parents as far as I could establish. I
have no doubt that somewhere in the lines
on both sides there must be some blood
from other countries but so far (10 years
on) despite considerable diligent research I
haven't found any evidence of it. So I
suppose I can claim to be a bone fide
I was born before World War II and lived in
East London through that terrible period. I
was in the Cubs and went on to be a Scout.
None of us had any doubts about what
being English meant then. The King, our
Country, our family and our way of life, that
was what being English meant then. Despite
all the horrors and difficulties we had
perforce to endure, no other country could
compare in any way with ours and we
would all defend these perceived principles
to the death. Sir Winston Churchill (Winny)
put it into words that have gone into history
with him. So perhaps being English is to be
Steadfast, Loyal?
As I grew up I was aware of the great
attitudinal and social changes taking place
around me, respect for the rule of law
seemed to be lessening, suddenly politicians
were trying to tell us that England wasn't
that great a place after all. Our history was
being examined and found wanting by
those wishing to make a name for
themselves. Authority was no longer with
those who were supposed to exercise it.
New Groups of people were assuming the
right to force change at a rate that seemed
to be both dangerous and in the wrong
direction. Industries upon which the country
had founded it's wealth were suddenly
closing down and the natural order of
things no longer seemed to be the norm. It
was an uncomfortable period that began
new threads of thinking that have continued
ever since. So perhaps to be English is to be
Inventive, Innovative, and Able To Adapt to
Now we face challenges and problems that
seem new but are really old problems in
new suits. There has always been
immigration into this country, a good thing
too. But it has always been a bone of
contention. Few indigenous people are
violently against new people coming here to
live, what they are opposed to are those
who, having left their own land, come here
to live and try to change our ways of living
to that of the country they have abandoned
and complain when they realise that it
won't happen. So perhaps being English is
to be Tolerant?
Overseas, England is constantly under
criticism or attack, nothing new there except
now we don't feel inclined to fight back as
often as we did. I do not hate or even
dislike other nationalities, I have learnt
though to be distrustful of some more than
others. So perhaps being English is being
Cautious, Peace Loving…or maybe
I look back through our history and see a
country that though small in physical size
has made an impact not just on other
countries but on the development of
civilisation. Of course mistakes were made, it
would be ridiculous to suggest otherwise
but overall England has been a power for
good in the world that far outweighs it's
size. So perhaps being English is to be
Consider too all the culture that the people
of this island have given the world,
language, thinking, government, judicial
system, sports, arts and crafts, commerce,
and medicine to name but a few. That's not
to say other countries haven't made similar
contributions, of course they have, but size
for size England has performed well. So
perhaps being English is to be Creative,
Inventive, Constructive, Orderly?
In the modern day it has become
fashionable to knock all the established
cornerstones of society's structure; show
disrespect for the Monarchy, the Law and
all forms of government. The family, once
the cornerstone and foundation of the
nation is gradually being destroyed by so
called modern thinking, what will replace it
has yet to surface, I suspect that it will be a
form of chaos. I believe that many
politicians have a secret agenda that has as
it's goal the complete disintegration of the
United Kingdom and the abolition of the
Monarchy. Why? I can't answer that
because to me it makes no sense and no
politician I have spoken to, and I have
spoken to many, will ever admit that they
are on such a course. I can only surmise
that in the event of the break up of the
Union it would be easier to sell us the idea
of becoming a part of The United States of
Europe…..God forbid! So perhaps being
English is to be Distrustful, Slightly Mad,
Anarchic even?
I end where I began, I don't think anyone
can say what being English really is because
the population is so diverse that there can
never be a proper definition and in any case
the definition will change as each era
phases into the next. One thing we can sure
of though and that is that the generations
to come will be quite sure that our lot did it
all wrong, and they could and would have
done everything much better. 't was ever
thus! So perhaps being English is to be
Opinionated, Self Confident, Critical?
So where do I stand in all this? Well, I am
and will remain an Englishman first a Briton
next…never, never will I be described as a
European. I am by nature and inclination a
Monarchist, I believe in the rule of law and
that everyone should have a fair chance in
life whatever their background, colour,
creed, religion or class. By right all should
be entitled to a good education, basic
health care, as much success as their talents
or desires will give them and the freedom to
do and say whatever they choose within the
law. I hold the opinion that to have children
is not a right but a privilege and that having
brought a child into the world it is the
responsibility and duty of the parents not
the State to take care of that child until it
can provide for itself. I think the strong
should provide for the weak in every walk
of life. I want to lead my life in the way I
decide and not the way a politician says I
must or should. My loyalties are to The
Queen, the Country and my family. If all
that adds up to being English well so be it, if
it doesn't well it's a bit late now to change
but if anyone can tell me why I should, I'll
listen….So perhaps being English is to be…
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