23 September 2010

Kelvin Mackenzie. The Sun 23-09-2010. Limp Dums.

"I amd becoming increasingly irritated by the idiotic attack on wealth creation (and even captialism itself) coming from the dimwits that David Cameron embraced as his partners when he lamentably failed to win the easiest General Election in history. Take Danny alexander. Please. He's never had a proper job. |Never closed a sale. Never sold a sofa. A former press officer from the Limp Dems inexplicably - andI blame Cameron for this - ends up as cheif Secrettary to the Treasury, which is No2 to the Chancellor and in these difficult times a very important job. In an interview with the Guardian, Alexander says of Sir Philip Green, the fabulously successful High Street entrepreneur: "I don't hold a candle for Philip Green." Having looked at their comparative successes in life , I think Alexander should have said: "I don't hold a candle TO Philip Green." Alexander objects to Green's tax arrangements. could I point out that while over-promoted thickos like Alexander only know how to spend our money, flk like Green can actually create it and the much-needed jobs that follow.
Thanks to his brilliance literally tens of thousand of people in this country are employed. He pays what we would consider a fortune in personal tax, as well as his companies paying millions in corporation tax. He left school at 15, practically went bust himself early on and has devised his tax arragnements to pay more than he has to, and who can blame him? when you see where some of the money goes, and I'm thinking about that scumbag who fathers children all over Durham - why should any of us want to pay money to the "poor"?
I don't agree with everything Green says or does - he plans to leave all his fortune to his kids and I prefer the Bill Gates "give it all away" approach, but we need the Greens of this world. they are, as the Goldman Sachs guy said, "doing gods work".
Money is important. ask the people of Africa.
I would be grateful if Cameron put down Vince Cable, alexander and Co in a very public and dismissive way and expressed his personal belief in the difficult art of making money. It would be nice to see if Comerobn is actually a conservative, something I've always had my doubts about.

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